FOMO Rules. The event rule is very easy Join the official Telegram Group, just chat with others. This is a FOMO game.

21 Jun 2022, 11:48
FOMO Rules The event rule is very easy ▶️ Join the official Telegram Group, just chat with others. This is a FOMO game. If you are the last one to chat in our Telegram group (no other users reply within one hour), you will get $500! Anyone in the TG group can chat at any time, and the countdown will be refreshed. After the event, the last 5 chatters will receive an equal share of $200. Rewards $500 for the LAST CHATTER $40 each for the LAST 2–6 CHATTERS Notes: 1. In real chat, you can discuss projects, markets, etc., but you can’t keep sending spam messages such as hello, goodbye, punctuation, emoji, etc. Otherwise, the admin has the right to delete your messages. 2. Event rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the end. 3. Any cheating behaviors are not allowed. Once found, the admin will get you disqualified for this event. 4. The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the MicroChains team.