@everyone KNOW MICROCHAINS. Did you know.

30 Aug 2022, 13:23
@everyone KNOW MICROCHAINS Did you know? Microchains has put in security measures to make sure users assets are secure and safe?thinking Here are the security measures applied to ensure asset safety.point_down •MicroChains has strategically cooperated with Huobi Trust that holds a Hong Kong TCSP license and Cobo Custody, and originally created the cross-chain bridge solution of POT+VOMEN (Proof of Trust + Verification of Multiple & Enhanced Nodes) (1) MULTI-SIGNATURE The mix of multi- signature and custodian security technology, offering multi-level protection. (2) STRICT RISK CONTROL A mature team with abundant experiences in cross-chain and finance to ensure product safety. (3) COMPLIANT ASSET CUSTODY Work with reliable custodians including Huobi Trust & Cobo to assure the asset security. (4) MULTIPLE VERIFICATION ON MINT. Custodians conduct asset custody and supervise the implementation of 1:1 token anchoring principle, preventing token over-issuance. (5) ASSET CERTIFICATE Audit reports issued by the credible auditors like Certik & SlowMist. All certificates are open and provable. •MicroChains is born to bring a more secure cross-chain bridge. The perfect combination of reliable centralized custodians and completely decentralized verifying approach contribute to the high level of security. Try #MicroChains